Life seems to be moving faster every day. Most of us feel that the lack of time is our biggest problem. Even if your life is jam-packed and moving at warp speed, here are a few tips to make life easier and to help you keep your home and family organized.

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Tips to make life easier
1. Keep a canvas bag close to the door and train family members to deposit library books there for easy return. When it’s time for a trip to the library you won’t have to pull your hair out wondering where all the books got scattered to.
Related Post: Home Organization Products To Help You Get Your House In Order
2. When you order something online, jot down the confirmation number, expected date of delivery, and any other reference information in your planner or digital calendar.
Related Post: 7 Reasons You Absolutely, Positively Must Get Organized

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3. Use or another online service to send reminders to family members about birthdays, special occasions, etc. I like Cozi because it’s super simple. I also love that I can program in reminders for things so that I don’t have to be a nag. I’ve found that my kids (even though they’re young adults) are so much more receptive to a text reminding them that it’s their dad’s birthday than they are to hearing me actually tell them.
4. Create a command center in the kitchen or other designated place where family members will see it. Train everyone that this is the place to leave each other notes, to add items to the grocery list, check the calendar, etc.
Related Post: 4 Must Haves For Your Family Command Center
5. Life is easier when things are scheduled. Before you leave the dentist, doctor, or hair salon, go ahead and schedule your next appointment. Don’t forget to write it down or put it in your phone.
6. Your house also runs more smoothly when things are scheduled. i.e. “My laundry Monday”, “Towel Tuesday, “Sheets on Saturday”.
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7. Menu planning is easier if you plan to have the same type of meat on a specific date each week. At our house it’s “chicken Monday”, “hamburger Tuesday”, etc.
8. Learn when the online grocery ads for your favorite stores come out. Make an appointment to check these ads on the first day of the sales week so you can schedule trips to stock up on bargains. However, keep your storage space in mind. It’s not a bargain if it ruins because you can’t find it when you need it or because it’s past its expiration date.
9. Use bins in your freezer to organize meats by type, veggies, etc. This makes it easier to put things up when you come in from the grocery store and also makes it easier to see what you’re getting low on.
10. Designate a special place or basket in your home for lost items to be deposited. This way everyone knows where to go look when something goes missing.
And if you need a way to simplify your digital life, check out Why You Need to Have an Email System For Your House. Sherry at Beautiful Southern Life has a great idea to help you stay on top of the priority emails that must be tended to regularly. I wish I’d thought of this system!

I help older women get past their fear and mindset issues so they can create a plan to pursue their goals and dreams.
I love this especially #8. I need to do better about checking for sales, since I do go shopping usually on Sundays.
I’m all in favor of anything that makes life easier! There’s already too much that’s hard.
Not applicable to a single person living alone, but I really like the idea of a family lost-and-found spot. Although I suppose I did learn a valuable life lesson from all those times I asked my mom where my whatever it was was and she told me “Wherever you left it.” 😀
LOL! Funny how most moms sound very similar, isn’t it? Thanks so much for stopping by.
Great tips. #5 if you have to wait it is worth it!
Hi Haralee! I tend to live and die by a schedule so that one is easy for me.
I certainly can afford to be more organized. My house is in transition now and I spend wasted time looking for things. Organization and having a designated spot for everything is definitely the key!
I don’t guess we ever feel too organized. At least I never do!
What great suggestions to make life a little more organized and easy.
I’m all about anything that makes life easier!
I like my life to be scheduled and structured while at the same time leaving room for spontaneity. Structure makes life easier for me, but spontaneity makes it FUN!
You’re so right! What is it they say….life happens in the white spaces. That’s where the good stuff is!
All very good tips. I love anything that helps life run easier. Thank you!
Me too! The only thing better than a good system would be the robot maid from the Jetson’s. I know that really dates me!
Good ideas. I especially like the idea of serving the same protein on the same days of the week. It will help me remember what to defrost! Thanks for the tips!
I still like to defrost food by putting it in the refrigerator to thaw – for some reason I just don’t like it defrosted in the microwave. Knowing which meat I need on certain days allows me to think ahead and pull what I need out in time so that it’s ready when I need it. I am a firm believer in systems and auto-pilot.
These are great tips! I love the suggestion to create designated laundry days for certain items. It makes it seem more manageable when you divide it up rather than trying to get it all done at once.
There is nothing I hate more than facing an entire week’s worth of laundry all at once!
Mine is the most obvious and probably the most old-school but I have posted all over the house reminding me of everything. From appointments to dry cleaning pick up – all of it is on a post it. Everywhere 🙂