Are you one of the lucky women who has a man in your life who likes to cook? I hope you are because having a man who knows his way around the kitchen is awesome! Since we want to encourage those wonderful chefs to continue, here are some gifts for men who like to cook.

Kitchen essentials for the man who likes to cook
My mom gave hubby a mortar and pestle like the one above years ago and it’s still in use. It’s made from marble so it’s heavy enough that it won’t scoot around on the cabinet while you’re trying to use it. Hubby uses it to crush spices and it’s one thing that I don’t mind sitting out because it’s pretty.
This digital food scale allows hubby to be very precise when he’s creating a masterpiece. Some foods are hard to measure accurately in a measuring cup (chunky fruits and meats come immediately to mind) and sometimes precision makes or breaks the final product.
If your chef hubby likes to bake then a pastry mat is an essential. It not only keeps your counters clean when you need to knead dough in flour, but it has measurements and dimensions on it so that pie crusts and other baked goods come out the right size.
Aprons for the man who likes to cook

Kitchen aprons can be a lot of fun! You’ll find aprons to express your favorite guy’s personality, sense of humor, and cooking ability. And you really can’t have too many. They make great gifts for the men in your life who like to cook.
1 – If you’ve ever had a “discussion” in the kitchen, this “Don’t Tell Me How To Cook” apron might just be the last word your hubby is looking for.
2 – Mister Good-Lookin’ Is Cooking is certainly appropriate. After all, what man doesn’t look handsome when he’s slaving over a hot stove or grill?
3 – I Cook and I Know Things – Yep, I’ve heard this a time or two…and it’s always the truth.
4 – You may have also been told That Ain’t Burnt…That’s Flavor. I know I have.
Knife gifts for the man who likes to cook
I’ve never met a man who likes to cook that wasn’t particular about his knives, how they were kept, and how sharp they were.
We do not have this Circular Rolling Knife, but I bet it’s something Jungle Jim would love. I know that I am not quite as adept with knives as he is, and I can envision using this to cut salad greens, onions, cilantro, and other food that needs the action of a blade rolled over it in lots of directions to make small pieces. It looks like this would be easier on folks who have issues with their wrists or who have a hard time gripping tools too.
And while we’re on the topic of knives, this knife sharpener is a permanent fixture on our kitchen island. This is another item that Jungle Jim had before we married and he uses it all the time – he honestly won’t let me put it in a drawer because he uses it so much. He likes this particular design because he can lift the center piece out to select different “grits” for the sharpener. There are other styles though to meet different needs.
Now if you’re short on drawer or counter space to keep your knives in a holder, this magnetic knife holder keeps them separated, close at hand so they’re easy to grab, and it’s a great way to maximize your storage space. We have one of these close to the stove.
It’s easier to keep your knives in good shape and keep from marring the blades when they’re organized and aren’t touching each other. It’s also safer for others who share the kitchen because you don’t want knives just thrown willy-nilly into a drawer. That’s an accident waiting to happen.
This knife mat is an affordable way to keep your knives organized in a drawer. This is the option when you don’t have a ton of knives.
However, if you’ve got a lot of knives (like we do!) then this knife organizer holds a whole lot more and is only slightly bigger than the knife mat above. Be sure to measure your drawers, though, to get the one that meets your needs.
One Christmas Eve I was slicing bread and nearly sliced the end of my finger off. We ended up leaving the kids with a neighbor while we went to the emergency room. The finger guard shown above will protect fingertips when you’re dicing and slicing that last little bit of carrot, onion, or whatever. No one needs to end up in the emergency room because of a sharp knife no matter what day it it!
Since I seem to be on a knife streak, our favorite kitchen knives are made completely of stainless steel – including the handles. We have several that are solid stainless steel and we really like them. The handles won’t ever come loose since they’re a solid piece and they just feel nice in you hand.
Kitchen gadget gifts men will love
My hubby’s favorite kitchen gadget is this pastry/pizza roller. He’s had it since before we married.
We actually lost the the one he had when we moved a few years ago and he was not a happy camper when it came up missing.
Fortunately, I was able to find a replacement at Amazon and now my name is not “mud” (like I lost it on purpose – honestly!). This pizza/pastry roller has a different size roller at each end which makes it versatile. It’s design makes it durable – unless it disappears in a move across the state. We use it every time we make pizza, pie crust, or breads. I honestly think divorce papers might have been in my future if I hadn’t found a replacement! But now, I’m a hero!
(Update: We recently FOUND the pizza roller that had been missing for 4 years! I felt vindicated and will admit to taking a victory lap at my proven innocence.)
This mandoline slicer allows you go slice meats, cheeses, or whatever else really thin. Hubby uses it when we’re stuffing some kind of meat inside a butterfly chicken breast, or if we’re making submarine sandwiches with several types of meat. It’s also great any time you want uniformly sized pieces for a dish.
A veggie spiralizer is handy if you’re trying to add more veggies to your diet (and lower your carbs) by substituting them for pasta. There are others on the market that are a lot bigger and more expensive, but unless you’ve just got tons of room and like to pay more, a handheld spiralizer like this one works just fine.
Okay, let’s be honest…most serious chefs really prefer to cook with fresh herbs. They taste better than dried but keeping them fresh for as long as possible is sometimes a problem. This herb keeper solves that so that your chef doesn’t get a nasty surprise when he reaches for the basil or cilantro.
A citrus zester an channel knife is an easier tool for getting zest of lemons or other citrus fruit, but the channel knife lets you make those pretty little curly cues that take a dish or drink to the next level and give it that gourmet look.
Even the best cooks generally don’t love cleaning up. Our nightly routine is that we clean the kitchen together. He washes while I dry and put away.
However, we both like this little brush cleaner that holds your dish soap that you see below.
With the dish soap already inside the brush, you don’t have to stop and add more in order to clean the pan that’s a little “crustier” than the others. Just squeeze the button on top and dish soap is automatically applied right where you’re scrubbing. They’re cheap too so it’s easy to have a couple in reserve when the brush finally has seen better days.
Subscription boxes for the man who likes to cook

One thing I always knew would be a hit with my dad was items he could use while cooking outdoors. The great outdoors, it seems, where was he thought men were supposed to shine as cooks.
And he did.
So the man in your life who likes to cook might enjoy getting a gift box each month from Grill Master’s Club filled with supplies for outdoor cooking and grilling. They also have fun tee-shirts and hoodies that your dad with a sense of humor will love.
So what other gifts have you found to delight the men in your life who like to cook?
More gift ideas for your favorite people:

I help older women get past their fear and mindset issues so they can create a plan to pursue their goals and dreams.
Hi Shelley,
Are you in the FB group?
Thank you for bringing your post to last week’s Blogger’s Pit Stop.
Janice, Pit Stop Crew
Hi Janice! I’ve liked (and follow) your FB page and I subscribe to your email list. I’m not sure if there’s another group you’re talking about. If there is – I want in because I always am learning something new from you!
Great ideas, Shelley! I’m not familiar with all of these. Thanks for the tips.
Hi Lisa! I consider myself beyond fortunate to have a man who is such a great cook. I tell him it’s the reason I married him – it certainly didn’t hurt LOL!
Tony is the pizza maker at our house. I think he would love that roller. And I want the circular rolling knife for me. I have that dish brush – love it! Beautiful pin for your post! Pinning!
Isn’t it wonderful to have a man who makes pizza? Our kid’s friends used to request Jungle Jim’s pizza when they’d come spend the night with us – and he always complied.
My Prince Charming does many things but cooking isn’t one of them. But I am kinda liking some of these things for myself!
I always think it’s a good idea for a girl to shop for herself! After all, a great kitchen addition is good no matter who’s using it. Thanks for stopping by, Leslie.