You don’t have to spend an arm and a leg to make your house look pretty during the holidays. You’ve probably already got some things tucked away that you can repurpose and turn into pretty decorations. Other items can be picked up cheaply. All it takes is a little imagination and to create attractive Christmas …
Keeping your house clean, tidy, and organized doesn’t have to be a full-time job. These strategies and shortcuts help you stay on top of things without extra effort on your part.
How To Start Decluttering When You Feel Overwhelmed
Do you feel overwhelmed just thinking about starting a decluttering project? You’re not alone. However, there are steps you can take when you feel overwhelmed by clutter. I wish I was a girl who was naturally neat. But I’m not. While some people are born with a neat gene and automatically do the things required …
How To Start Decluttering When You Feel OverwhelmedRead More
Quick & Easy Thanksgiving Decor
You don’t have to spend hours putting together your Thanksgiving décor. There are plenty of easy and fast décorative pieces you can use that will make your home look perfect for family and guests you’re entertaining. Whether you are looking for the perfect centerpiece or decorative items for the entire room, here you’ll discover some …
Bathroom Storage Ideas To Make Every Inch Count!
“I have so much storage space in my bathroom that I don’t know what to do!”… said no one I ever knew. Most of us could use more bathroom storage than we currently have. And unless a major renovation is in your future, your best option is to make the most of every bit of …
9 Benefits Of Decluttering
Clutter…it may seem like a small thing at first, but have you ever noticed how it grows and spreads? Before you know it, clutter has taken root and taken over your home. Taking some steps now will help you reap the benefits of decluttering. The best time to get rid of clutter is to tackle …
4 Principles For Clutter-Free Fall Decor
Are you looking to add some seasonal touches to your home as chilly days approach but abhor having a lot of clutter around? Lots of us enjoy adding a few decorative touches, but we just don’t want to add a lot of fuss and frou-frou to our homes. If that’s you, then follow these four …