If you’re on my email list then you may remember that in 2020 we had a freezer disaster. Our freezer decided to go kaput right in the middle of the pandemic when you couldn’t find a freezer to buy to save your life. It was not a fun time for those of us who rely …
Life Stuff
Conquer Internal Stress By Eliminating Mental Junk
Experiencing internal stress can feel like you’re caught in a python’s grip. Every time you take a breath you feel the squeeze tightening around you. But what causes that internal stress? And more importantly, how can we get rid of it? This post may contain affiliate links. Please see my full disclosure policy for details. …
Mighty Health App Review
To achieve anything in life requires that you have the tools to make it happen. If improving your health is a goal for 2021 (and beyond), and you (or a loved one) are over 50, then continue reading this Mighty Health app review to learn more. For many of us, reaching “a certain age” brings …
11 Easy Tips To Help You Stay Organized
How many times have you heard someone say, “I just can’t stay organized!”? The problem is that most likely, they believe this is true. And while they may be go through the process of getting organized, being able to stay organized is often harder. Staying organized is simply a matter of incorporating some easy tips …
Organize A Purse Using Removable Inserts
Some of us carry our lives around in our purses. This can be a lifesaver at times when you need something in a hurry. But if you’ve never been taught how to organize a purse then your bag can turn into one big jumbled mess with lots of stuff…that you can’t find. See if this …
Wise Women Teach Us Valuable Life Lessons
I’m sure that all of us have wise grandmothers. And if we will admit it, our mothers were probably pretty smart too (once we got past a certain age). Come to think of it, I’ve learned some pretty important lessons from my friends and even my own daughter. All of these women have wisdom to …