One of the best ways I know to save money is to not throw food in the trash. You’re bound to have noticed, but we’re all experiencing sticker shock at the grocery store and many of us are trying to cut back expenses any way we can. But too often we grocery shop without a …
Saving Money
Money doesn’t have to be the source of your frenzy. These tips and techniques will help you live frugally so that there’s money left over at the end of the month.
How To Go On A Debt Diet
In the same way that we gain pounds when we eat too much, our debt also increases when we spend too much (especially when we’re spending money we don’t have readily available). If you’ve got debt that you want to get rid of then you need to take the same approach that you take when …
11 Financial Habits That Are Costing You Big Time!
It seems like everything is more expensive these days. So it’s smart to watch your budget and make sure that you’re doing everything you can to make your money go farther. But sometimes it’s your habits that are the problem. Here are eleven financial habits that are costing you a lot of money. Not having …
Review of $5 Meal Plan
I’ve long been a proponent of meal planning. It’s one of the easiest ways I know to save yourself some serious money. And it doesn’t hurt that it also keeps the family from harping at you at the end of the day asking, “What’s for dinner?” I’ve always been the type to do my own …
11 Frugal Tips To Help You Save Money
Saving money can feel like an impossible goal. Everything is so expensive and temptation lies around every corner. The trick to saving money is simple…spend less than you have (easier said than done, of course). And these frugal tips will help you do just that so that less money is going out of your wallet …
How To Create A Gift Closet
It never fails. Some event rolls around that you weren’t expecting and now you’re in a hurry to Choose a gift. Or perhaps a birthday snuck up on you and you didn’t have a gift purchased and now you feel like a dud. Wouldn’t life be easier if you had a few gifts already on …