Fear is something that most of us grapple with from time to time. And for those of us who work from home and are building online businesses, fear can feel like a permanent companion. But in order to succeed, we’ve got to get past fear and not let it hold us back from doing the things that we know we’re capable of.

We’ve all got something in common with a wizard
The Wizard of Oz is one of my all-time favorite movies. I can watch it again and again and be spellbound all over again.
It dawned on me recently how much many of us are actually like the wizard.
You remember him, right? The little man pulling the levers and using a microphone along with smoke and sound effects to convince everyone how great and powerful he was.
Except that it was a lie.
Not the part about being great or powerful. But the feeling that we need to pretend to be something else in order to achieve the results we want.
Too many of us let fear hold us back
How many times have we told ourselves, “I’m just a…(whatever)”?
How often have we sold ourselves short when we knew in our heart that we did have the skills and talents necessary for something?
How many times have we played small and hidden behind a metaphorical curtain so that people couldn’t really see us?
How many times have we let fear hold us back?
I’m not bashing any of us. I think it’s probably a natural thing to do…sometimes at least.
But let me ask you this: What other things in your life have you overcome or dealt with that might have broken someone else?
Life knocks us all around but makes us stronger
You’re likely at the point in your life where you’ve had life knock you around a bit. And if you haven’t, just wait, because it gets around to all of us eventually.
The point is that you’ve likely already been through – and survived – some crummy stuff. And you’ve come out stronger on the other side.
So the message to you today is to not sell yourself short. Don’t hide behind a curtain. And don’t feel like you’ve got to use smoke and mirrors in order to be a success.
Because you don’t.
Fear doesn’t need to be in charge
Fear is something that you can overcome. You’ve already got everything you need to achieve your goals and turn those dreams into reality.
The Wizard of Oz simply needed to come out from behind the curtain and use the tools and knowledge he had along.
If it’s good enough for the wizard, it’s good enough for you too.
More to improve your mindset:

I help older women get past their fear and mindset issues so they can create a plan to pursue their goals and dreams.