Even when we know it’s time to expand our comfort zone, it can be hard. Many of us don’t have the ability to try something overtly physical like bungee jumping due to age, health, or physical limitations. Some of us aren’t interested in the adrenaline rush but do want to experience personal growth. Here are some ways to get out of your comfort zone without even having to leave your house.

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Not All Of Us Long For Physical Adventure
The thrill seekers in the world generally have no problem expanding their comfort zone.
Mountain climbing? “You bet!”
Parachuting? “Count me in.”
The thrill of the adrenaline rush is enough to move these people further and further from whatever comfort zone they had.
But for many of us, that’s not the case.
For example, I have a health condition that prohibits me from anything too strenuous. You won’t find this girl jumping out of an airplane. Honestly, you wouldn’t have found me doing that before my health diagnosis but that’s beside the point.
The point IS that expanding and widening our comfort zones isn’t just about doing something physical. We can work towards becoming different as well.
The things we do that encourage personal growth and self-development help us become people who are less rigid and inflexible. Here are three ways to help make that happen and help you get out of your comfort zone.
Increasing Our Knowledge Base Expands Our Comfort Zone
One way we can widen our comfort zone is by increasing our knowledge.
Any time we learn new things it’s possible that we may experience some discomfort…a sure sign that we’re stepping out of the comfort zone.
For example, I am not a techy person. In fact, my lack of tech skills was something I was known for in my previous career. I had difficulty with even the simplest of technology tasks (Seriously, it was baaaaad).
Fortunately, I had people around me who were always kind and helped me out. They certainly deserved to laugh and roll their eyes when I’d holler for help, but they were always much too nice to let me know how much I probably frustrated them.
But then came the time when that career was over and I wanted to start something else. And that meant I was going to be forced to learn some technology whether I really wanted to or not.
Now, I’ll admit that tech stuff still does not come naturally to me. I still have to ask for help but I’ve come a long way. And I’ve learned that trying some possible solutions before you call for help probably won’t blow up your computer (although I realize that there are some things on shouldn’t do).
There are other examples, of course.
Trying New Things Encourages Us To Learn & Grow
Perhaps you’re considering going back to school to finish that degree or certificate you’ve been thinking about. Maybe you’re ready to launch a totally new business and work for yourself.
Whatever the situation, learning new things and becoming more knowledgeable is one way to help us get out of our comfort zones without having to do anything more strenuous than stretch and use our brain.
Anytime we learn new information or acquire a new skill, we’re becoming different than we were before. So even learning something like how to knit or crochet will probably cause you some frustration…but you’ll overcome it if you persist.
Think of the possibilities!
Ideas To Expand Your Knowledge Base
Here are just a few ideas that would cause you to expand your knowledge base:
- Learn to sew
- Start a garden
- Learn a new subject (watch videos, listen to podcasts, read articles or books)
- Start a website about something you’re passionate about
- Watch documentaries on new topics
- Talk to people who have experience and/or expertise that you’re lacking

Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone By Developing Critical Thinking Skills
Another way we can get out of our comfort zone is to develop our critical thinking skills.
A critical thinker is someone who purposely questions the information they’re given. They don’t automatically take it at face value.
None of us should assume that what we hear and read (especially online) is the truth…or at least not the total truth.
These days there is a lot of disinformation out there – some might refer to it as propaganda. People have become too casual about sticking to the truth and offer their opinions as the “correct” viewpoint.
That’s often not the case.
Accurate, Thorough Information Is Key
We’re entitled to know if the information we’re getting is accurate, complete, and thorough. Because not all information we’re presented is any of these things.
Often people have an agenda and they present information in a way that supports their position or viewpoint and encourage us to accept it as fact.
We need to ask for evidence to support assertions and conclusions. We should ask people where they got their information from so that we can determine the legitimacy of sources. Some sources are valid while other are pure garbage. It’s up to us to determine the difference.

Broadening Your Perspective & Point Of View Widens Your Comfort Zone
Many of us get caught in our little bubble because of our attitudes and viewpoints. We’ve had certain beliefs for so long that we’re convinced they’re the only way to think.
However, that’s likely not true. More often than not it may signal that we’ve become arthritic in our thinking and rigid in our outlook.
For example, If everyone you know and live around thinks and believes just like you do, it’s easy to assume this is what’s normal – that your thought patterns and belief structure are what’s correct.
But it’s a big world out there and it’s filled with people who hold different viewpoints and opinions on a variety of topics. The problem is that we may never even have the opportunity to learn about them unless we make a concerted effort.
Here’s something I believe – exposure to alternative views, opinions, thoughts, and beliefs should be something positive. None of us has all the answers despite what we may think.
Besides, how do you really know what you think if you haven’t considered the alternatives? Perhaps your thought patterns are more habit than informed choice.
Ideas To Help Broaden Your Perspective
But how do you broaden your perspective and point of view…particularly if you live in a homogenous area or are more isolated?
Here are a few ideas:
- Try reading books in a totally different genre. If you normally read fiction, try something in the nonfiction category.
- Seek out the company of people who are different from you. I’ve found that getting to know – and like – other people helps me gain insight into why they think, believe, and behave as they do. It develops understanding and with that comes empathy and compassion.
- Listen to new things in order to hear new ideas. This can include podcasts, music, and news channels.
Beware Of Confirmation Bias & The Desire To Be “Right”
Something we all need to recognize is that confirmation bias is a real thing and we’re all susceptible to it.
It seems to be human nature for people to want to be viewed as “right” or “correct” and so things that support our natural bias are naturally viewed more positively than things we disagree with.
In fact, you’ve probably known some people who absolutely cannot stand – or admit – to ever being wrong. They’ll go to great lengths to defend their position or viewpoint despite evidence to the contrary.
Talk about a comfort zone!
For more information about dealing with and escaping your comfort zone, check out this book The Comfort Zone: Create a Life You Really Love With Less Stress and More Flow by Kristen Butler
It doesn’t have to be agonizing to get our of your comfort zone
Each of these things helps us become less rigid, more flexible, and less fearful of other people, other viewpoints, other lifestyles, and the world around us. Doing so helps us to expand our “mental” comfort zone and is a great first step to becoming people who can take other steps as well.
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I help older women get past their fear and mindset issues so they can create a plan to pursue their goals and dreams.