Do you ever feel like you’re losing the war when it comes to keeping a clean and tidy house? Fortunately, keeping a tidy house doesn’t have to be a battle you fight constantly. There are lots of little jobs and chores that when done regularly make a big difference in the way your house looks.

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Things pile up when you don’t keep a tidy house
Do you love spending an entire Saturday morning cleaning your house? Me neither – so I don’t do it.
When I was a kid the Saturday morning cleaning routine was how my own mother chose to deal with the house. My brother and I were part of the cleaning crew (as we should have been) and were forbidden to leave the house to go hang out with friends until the chores were done and Mom had dismissed us.
I hated it!
When I was the mommy, I worked outside the home and the last thing I wanted to do was to spend a big part of the weekend cleaning house. It was busy enough just getting the errands run so that we could function the next week.
So we implemented the 10-Minute Tidy at our house.
During the 10-Minute Tidy everyone in the house had to pitch in to help clean up and tidy the house. This was time to get those easier and less time consuming chores off the list. No one was exempt from helping. After all, taking care of a house is NOT just mom’s job – she’s not the only one who lives in the house or who enjoys and benefits from it being clean and organized.
Yes, there will be times when you do have to tackle those chores that take more than 10 minutes. But at least by doing the 10-minute tidy each day you’ll cut down on the time it takes to get your house picked up and presentable. And honestly, 10 minutes is doable. It isn’t so long that you get tired and it’s not so long that kids begin to get cranky and argue. We used to turn on some lively music and just try to make a game of it.
Were the kids always thrilled at tidy time – no, obviously not. There may be kids who love to clean, but none of them ever lived at my house.
But I’d remind them about my Saturday morning torture when I was a kid and it didn’t seem like such an ordeal. It’s funny how everything in life is about the presentation and how you choose to look at it.
Quick Tasks to keep a tidy house
Quick & Easy Tasks That Help Keep the Kitchen Tidy
- Wipe off the kitchen counter tops
- Clean out the kitchen sink – don’t forget to wipe down the faucets too
- Load or unload the dishwasher – put away all clean dishes
- Sweep the floor
- Mop up any dirty spots – you don’t have to do the entire floor to make it look better!
- Clean out the microwave – don’t forget to wipe down the front of the door
- Clean the front of your appliances – refrigerator, freezer, oven, dishwasher, coffee maker
- Straighten up one pantry shelf
- Put away and organize the spices
- Put out fresh kitchen towels
Tasks that make the bathroom look tidy
- Clean the toilet
- Scrub the tub or shower area – don’t forget to clean the doors
- Straighten up the counter
- Put away any toiletries or medicines that are sitting out
- Clean the mirror
- Empty the trash
- Sweep the floor
- Clean out the sink – wipe down the faucet
- Put out fresh towels
Tidy the living room
- Pick up the clutter
- Return items to where they belong
- Dump any trash
- Wipe down the TV – be sure to use an appropriate electronics cleaner here so you don’t cause any damage
- Wipe down and put away remote controls
- Dust off ceiling fan blades
- Knock down any cobwebs
- Wipe down lamp shades and light fixtures
- Wipe fingerprints off light switches
- Dust the furniture
- Plump up any pillows on the couch or chairs
- Straighten the mantle
- Sweep or vacuum the floor
Tidy up the laundry area
- Start a load of laundry
- Fold and put away clothes that are in the dryer
- Wipe down the top and front of the washer and dryer
- Put laundry supplies back where they belong (shelf, cabinet, etc.)
- Clean fingerprints and grime off the light switch
- Clean out the lint trap on the dryer
- Empty the trash
- Sweep or quick mop the floor
General tips to keep a tidy house
- Clean up the dog’s food and water bowl
- Sweep the porch
- Shred junk mail
- Wash the globe from a light fixture
- Hang up coats and backpacks that have been left out
- Empty trash cans
- Clean out one drawer
- Dust and clean off one shelf
- Straighten up books and magazines
- Water the plants
- Clean the glass on your front door
- Clean a window
- Push chairs back up to the kitchen or dining table
- Clean off the surface of a night stand, dresser, or end table
- Clean the glass in photo frames
- Return dirty dishes to the kitchen – put them in the dishwasher
- Put fresh sheets on the bed
So what’s your strategy for staying on top of the house?
More to help keep a clean house:
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I help older women get past their fear and mindset issues so they can create a plan to pursue their goals and dreams.
I’m not a fan of housekeeping, Shelley so this is just what I need! I’m pinning for future reference – thanks!
I’m a fan of getting it done and getting on to something else myself!
I actually use a timer to clean my house. Its amazing what you can do in 15 minutes. Much more than expected. Its almost fun to try and beat the clock!