Hi! I’m Shelley, and meal planning saved my sanity.
For years I’d rush home from work with three hungry kids in tow. They were starving and whining…and I was stressed and exhausted. The “What’s for dinner?” question was one I dreaded every single night because at the end of the day I was too tired to make even one more decision.
Once I learned to meal plan the hard part was done. No longer did I have to wonder what I was going to serve for dinner…because I already knew.
Now that the kids are grown we still have to eat. But these days I’m keeping a closer eye on our health, monitoring our carbs, sugars, and of course, keeping an eye on how much we’re spending. It can be a lot to keep track of.
I needed a system to keep everything in one place, easy to find, and easy to use. This meal planner is the result and I know it will help you too.

Benefits of using a meal planner:
Save Money:
- Quit buying items you don’t need
- Less food waste due to spoilage
- Less take out and delivery meals
- Less time in the grocery store cuts down on impulse spending
- Take advantage of sales and bargains

Save Time:
- Less trips to the grocery store
- Grocery shopping is quicker when you know what you actually need
- Allows you to prep ahead
- You can take advantage of online ordering and grocery delivery

Save Your Sanity:
- Know what’s for dinner every night – no guessing or stressing
- Enjoy with with your family instead of feeling strung out before you even sit down

Save Your Health:
- Track and monitor nutritional information like carbs, fats, and sugars
- Stick to your diet or eating plan
- Plan for healthier dinners

Here’s a sample of what you’ll find inside:

Grab your meal planner and start making life easier today!

Get the forms you need to plan meals, track your food inventory, plan your grocery shopping, monitor your nutrition, and keep tabs on your spending. Post the menu on the refrigerator so the whole family knows what’s for dinner. Post the grocery list so others can add to the list.