To achieve anything in life requires that you have the tools to make it happen. If improving your health is a goal for 2021 (and beyond), and you (or a loved one) are over 50, then continue reading this Mighty Health app review to learn more.
For many of us, reaching “a certain age” brings the realization that maybe we need to pay more attention to our health so that the rest of our life can truly be the best of our life.
And whether we’ve been good about employing healthy habits all along or have had a wake-up call, it’s never too late to start paying more attention to our health and make positive changes.

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What is Mighty Health?
Mighty Health is an app that was created specifically for those of us over 50. It was developed after one of the co-founders of Mighty Health began looking for an app to help his father deal with the after effects of open heart surgery.
What he found was that most health apps on the market are targeted to young people…the digital savvy generation who is already very health conscious and understands technology apps as easily as they breathe.
If you’re still reading then that’s likely not you (or it’s not the person you’re thinking would benefit from this app). It’s certainly not me. While I use apps and find them very helpful, I’ll admit that I’ve run across some apps that I just could not figure out.
Mighty Health has taken that into account with the creation of this app (and thank goodness someone knows that all app users don’t have the same skill sets!)
He also found that the apps available did not even begin to address the issues that people over 50 are dealing with such as sore joints and chronic health issues. And they certainly weren’t designed with for the less-than-tech-savvy people who could really benefit from some extra help.
And let me just insert something here…there is no shame in acknowledging that people have different skill sets and abilities…either in regards to technology or physical abilities.
But if a tool is going to be helpful then it needs to be designed with the needs of the end user in mind.
And that’s what the Mighty Health app does.
How does the Mighty Health app work?

First off, you can try Mighty Health for free for one week. I always suggest trying something for free to see if it’s for you. That way you have the information you need to make an informed choice – that’s just smart.
After that, Mighty Health is a subscription app that you pay for either monthly or annually. But here’s what you get in that subscription.
First off, Mighty Health assigns you a coach who will develop a plan for you. You’re not just left to wonder, “Okay, now what do I do?” You can send messages to your coach with questions when you need help.
You’ll be given access to exercise videos that are designed for specific needs: low impact aerobics (bad knees, anyone?), chair yoga, and more. You’re also given a personalized nutrition plan complete with grocery list and food journal. Your coach will be able to give you feedback and suggestions each day to help you improve.

You’ve also got access to a community of others who are also working to improve their health. This is a great way to get support when we’re stuck at home…whether because of the pandemic or because of mobility and accessibility issues.
And I see a side benefit to the community as well. For folks who feel isolated and lonely, a community group offers the chance to not only interact to meet health goals, but to also form friendships that transcend immediate health concerns.
After all, sometimes people feel isolated because they literally can’t get out and about, and sometimes loneliness is due to the fact that when we’re older it can feel much harder to make friends.
Because let’s be honest…loneliness is also harmful to our health.
So how do I get started?
Getting started is easy.
If you want to use the Mighty Health app for yourself then simply click this link. If you’re on your phone then you’ll be taken to the app store for your phone. If you’re on your laptop, tablet or desktop then this link will take you to a webpage that will help you get started.
What if I want to give Mighty Health to someone else?

However, you may be thinking that the Mighty Health app would be perfect for someone you love. Lots of us are worried about the health of the people we love and are looking for ways to help.
Whether it’s for your hubby or any older parent, you can give them the gift of Mighty Health so that they can help take control of their health so that they’re around longer.
If you want to gift someone with the Mighty Health app then click here and then click on the button that says “Gift A Membership“.
They’re also giving 50% off all gifts that are purchased using my links (the link has a code built in – you don’t have to do a thing) AND you’ve got a 30 day money back guarantee on gifts. So if the person you’re gifting doesn’t want to use the app (or won’t use it) then you’re able to get a refund.
Sounds like a win all the way around to me.
And if you’re the primary caretaker for an older parent, having the Mighty Health app on your phone lets you input their information so that you can more closely monitor how they’re doing. That’s peace of mind!

To get started using Mighty Health for yourself…or someone you love…just click the button below.
More before you go:

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I help older women get past their fear and mindset issues so they can create a plan to pursue their goals and dreams.
I don’t need to lose weight, just belly fat, good exercise program, and diet that helps to fight cravings. The app asks how many lbs. I want to lose. How do I bypass this?
Actually, I’m not sure how you’d bypass this. I’d reach out to the makers of the app.