Disclosure Policy:
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines require that I tell you how I am compensated on this blog. Even without the FTC requirements, I’d want you to know. I’ve always believed that ‘knowledge is power’ and that everyone has the right to make an informed decision.
The content of this blog may serve as a source of revenue for the blog owner. The content may be used to promote goods, services, or other businesses. However, my reputation and integrity are more important to me than any dollar amount. I’ll never tell you that I like something if I don’t. I’ll never promote a business, product, or service that I don’t believe in. If I wouldn’t use it, I won’t suggest that you do either.
The goal of this blog is to help women. Therefore, if a product, business, or service isn’t going to improve your life – it won’t get a nod from me.
So here’s what I promise to do:
Affiliate Links:
I may suggest or link to a product that I’m talking about in a post. If you decide that you’d like to purchase the item because of my recommendation, I get a small commission. This doesn’t change the price that you’d pay for the item in any way. I do, of course, appreciate the commission, but I won’t link to anything that I wouldn’t/don’t use myself.
Taming Frenzy is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.
Additionally, you will be made aware of any other links which lead to a products and/or services of which I am an affiliate.
Free Items:
If I receive free products to review or use in any way, I’ll tell you. Most likely, if I talk about a particular product I love, it’s because I’ve bought it myself or it’s been given to me as a gift. Either way, you’ll get my honest opinion.
Comment Policy:
Comments are allowed as long as they are respectful. Inappropriate, hurtful, or nasty comments will be deleted immediately without notice. All comments left at this site, or any of our social media sites, become the property of this blog.
Copyright Policy:
All content on this site is written by me or by guest bloggers who will be credited. Please contact me for permission before copying any written content or photographs. I am happy for you to share my blog posts as long as you provide a link back to my blog as credit.
All photographs on this site were either taken by me, my husband, or downloaded from an online image database with permission. Please do not attempt to copy, save, edit, sell, print, or distribute any images without prior permission.
Any videos I share from the internet will contain a link to the original source.
Updated June 1, 2019