As a general rule, moms tend to be the ones DOING the pampering instead of RECEIVING it. It won’t hurt to reverse that trend on her special day. Here are some ways you can pamper mom on Mother’s Day – or any day.

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We all know how much moms do for us. When we’re young they’re there to sooth our scraped knees and dry our tears when we’re crying over some boy.
Once we are the mom we’re on the front lines – it’s our turn to swab knees and wipe tears. It’s exhausting, constant, often without thanks…and we love it.
But that doesn’t mean that we don’t get tired. It also doesn’t mean that we wouldn’t enjoy trading places for a while and letting someone pamper us for a while.
Whether you’re looking for a few ideas to pamper your own mom or looking for a few “hints” you can drop, here are some ideas that will make any mom feel indulged and pampered.
Related: Inexpensive Mother’s Day Gifts Mom Will Love
Ways to pamper mom
So what could you do to show mom how much you appreciate her? It doesn’t have to cost much, after all, they do say that it’s the thought that counts. But in case you’re low on ideas, here are a few she might enjoy.
Breakfast in bed (after letting her sleep late, of course!). Tell Mom that you’ve got everything done and be sure to make a pretty presentation. A flower from the garden is a nice touch. And most important – don’t forget to clean up!
A home mani-pedi. Let Mom sit back with a book (or while watching her favorite TV show) while you treat her to a salon style mani-pedi in the comfort of home. She’s probably already got everything you need. Just be sure to let her pick out the nail polish colors she’d like. Get a towel to protect the floor and furnishings and you’re set to go.

- A set of toe spacers make it easier to give mom a neat manicure or pedicure.
- A drill kit helps keep fingernails and toenails in good shape.
- A nail decoration kit lets you add those fun pops that you’d get in a salon…at home.
- An LED nail lamp helps make sure that pretty polish job gets dry so it stays looking great.
What mom couldn’t use a back or neck massage. My daughter prides herself on giving great neck massages – they feel wonderful. It’s always a treat to close my eyes and enjoy the feeling of my muscles relaxing. It’s a good bet that your mom would enjoy it too.
Make a banner that says #1 MOM! You can use whatever type of paper you have around, tape it together to make a long banner, decorate it with markers or crayons, and then hang it where she can enjoy it all week long.
They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach but the same applies to moms – we love goodies! Does she have a favorite dessert? Bake it for her! Brownies, cake, pie – she’ll enjoy and calories consumed on Mother’s Day DO NOT COUNT!

Give her time to take an uninterrupted bubble bath. Don’t bother her no matter what. Lay out all the supplies ahead of time and don’t forget a book or her music device. A scented candle is a nice touch too. Now leave her alone!

- A comfy bath pillow makes it easy to enjoy that novel she’s been anxious to read – or to close her eyes and enjoy the silence!
- A bath tray keeps all the essentials close at hand.
If mom lives out of town and you won’t be seeing her, be sure to call and visit with her. Don’t be in a hurry to get off the phone. After all, it’s her day and she’ll be glad to hear from you.
You can even send mom a sweet and sappy text message (if she’s tech-savvy and knows how to do this on her phone. I know it sounds silly, but my mother wouldn’t have had a clue). Something touching will probably remain on her phone long after other messages have been deleted.
More to help with gift purchasing:

I help older women get past their fear and mindset issues so they can create a plan to pursue their goals and dreams.