Making the decision to work from home and start your own online business requires some serious guts. It’s not something that is for the faint-hearted or those who aren’t serious. It requires enough confidence that you’re willing to put in the hard work. But how do you increase your inner confidence when it’s running low? …
Know Your Worth
Knowing your worth includes having confidence, overcoming limiting beliefs, developing a strong sense of self, avoiding the comparison trap, and banishing your self-talk.
9 Common Limiting Beliefs That Keep You From Leaving A Job You Hate
Are you sick of your job? Do you wish you were somewhere – anywhere – else when you’re at your 9-5? Why is it that we have to get totally fed up before we take steps to find a workplace that is a better fit for us? The answer might lie in one of these …
9 Common Limiting Beliefs That Keep You From Leaving A Job You HateRead More
Build Your Core Confidence By Increasing Your Competence
Confidence is critical to success. If you look around at the successful people you know and admire, one thing they likely have in common is confidence in themselves. Oh, they may have occasional bouts of self-doubt…that’s natural. But overall, to be successful in any endeavor requires a certain amount of core confidence because without this …
Build Your Core Confidence By Increasing Your CompetenceRead More
6 Reasons You May Suffer A Loss Of Confidence (and how to get over it)
Do you struggle with a loss of confidence and wonder why? Or do you ever wonder why other women don’t seem to have confidence issues at all? I’ve got a theory why those of us who are “a certain age” have suffered a loss of confidence and what we can do to overcome it. This …
6 Reasons You May Suffer A Loss Of Confidence (and how to get over it)Read More
What’s Your Confidence Score?
No one wants to be so confident that other people think they’re jerks. However, for many older women, that isn’t a problem that they’d have in a million years. But figuring out your confidence score can give you a clue where you need to improve so that you project the right amount of confidence to …
Your Best Days Are NOT Behind You!
Have you ever asked yourself, “Is this all there is?” Perhaps you woke up one morning and just weren’t content with the state of things…or you knew that you were desperately in need of a change. It happens to lots of us, and often when we least expect it. Suddenly the life you’ve built seems …